Containerized Home Assistant setup

I recently migrated my Home Assistant setup from running Home Assistant Operating System on a Hardkernel C2 , to running in containers on my NAS The process was reasonably straight-forward, but finding up-to-date documentation and examples online are always a challenge when the platform moves fast My Home Assistant needs are covered by just three services; home-assistant , deconz and node-red . I use deconz because I have a ConBee II as my ZigBee gateway...

<span title='2022-01-30 15:31:05 +0100 +0100'>January 30, 2022</span>

WSL2 + podman

UPDATE: podman desktop is now a thing! I had been having some issues with the docker-desktop service on Windows, where it wouldn’t autostart properly and would start into a broken state where nothing worked. These problems, together with the license change of the docker-desktop product and recommendations to give podman a try, led me to try podman instead. About podman podman is a container runtime like docker but designed with a different philosophy....

<span title='2022-01-24 08:34:05 +0100 +0100'>January 24, 2022</span>