As web applications become more complex and feature-rich, the need for robust and maintainable APIs has never been greater. In this post, we’ll show you how to use ASP.NET Core and the OpenAPI specification to automatically generate TypeScript clients for your API, making it easier to consume and interact with your API from front-end applications.

Generating OpenAPI spec

For generating the OpenAPI spec file, the dotnet swagger tool is used. It is necessary to have the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore NuGet package referenced in the project to output OpenAPI spec for. It is also necessary to have both .AddSwaggerGen() and .UseSwagger() in Program.cs or Startup.cs.

To automatically generate the OpenAPI spec file on build, the following Target element can be added to the .csproj file of the project to generate spec file for.

<Target Name="OpenAPI" AfterTargets="Build" Condition="$(Configuration)=='Debug'">
    <Exec Command="dotnet swagger tofile --output open-api-spec.json $(OutputPath)$(AssemblyName).dll v1" WorkingDirectory="$(ProjectDir)" LogStandardErrorAsError="true" />

(LogStandardErrorAsError="true" makes debugging issues much easier)

Generating TypeScript clients

To use that OpenAPI spec file for generating TypeScript clients, another Target element can be added. This one runs after the OpenAPI one, and uses the openapi-generator-cli tool to generate TypeScript clients using fetch:

<Target Name="TypescriptClients" AfterTargets="OpenAPI" Condition="$(Configuration)=='Debug'">
    <Exec Command="swagger-codegen-cli generate -i ./open-api-spec.json -l typescript-fetch -o ./typescript-clients" WorkingDirectory="$(ProjectDir)" LogStandardErrorAsError="true" />

Using openapi-generator-cli

Instead of installing swagger-codegen-cli and its dependency java, it is easier to create a .bat file that runs the swagger-codegen-cli command in a Docker container. This .bat file can be placed in a directory that is included in the Path environment variable, so that it can be run from the command line or from an IDE. An example of such a .bat file looks like this:

@echo off
docker run --rm -v %CD%:/data --workdir /data openapitools/openapi-generator-cli %*

Using this .bat file, it is possible to use the swagger-codegen-cli command without having to install swagger-codegen-cli or java on the local system. This can be a convenient way to use the swagger-codegen-cli tool without dealing with the complexities of installation and dependency management. Read more about this approach in my previous post